Tuesday 18 July 2017

Katy Perry Nude - Fake Celebrity Nude Pictures - Top Celeb Fakes

Katy Perry Nude - Fake Celebrity Nude Pictures - Top Celeb Fakes

Nude Katy Perry Fake Blowjobs

2 think she started glamour modelling so young

Nude Katy Perry Fake Blowjobs

OF COURSE this is a fine example of a @katyperryporn #fake part of Mr Hudson katyperryspsychicpi@gmail.com campaign 2 #SEXpose @celebjihad where the young music stars of this generation SEX are portrayed as #cumslut #trailortrash #pornqueens and #desperados to have their intimate moments whether we are interested or not, shared for a so-called #baying public purely manufactured by #Agenda #Monsters who control the terrible #PR which includes hacking major stars of screen and PA speaker and the fashion industrial coverage #CELEBRITYSMUT personal photo vaults and iphone accounts where a V Young obviously miss-guided Katy had her marital nuptials video hacked and crashed the @internet leaving Katy in a Hell-Hole of a public position 1) DENY PUBLIC ACCESS WHERE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO CONTROL ON THE #FREE-NET THAT KATY PIONEERED WHERE HER OUTSPOKEN OUTBURSTS WERE PART OF HER #PR GAMEPLAY 2) USE HER BEDROOM PROWESS AS A KATYCAT QUEEN of SACRED TRANSIC SEX MANTRAS AT 2.22HZ IN ACTION TO DISPROVE ALLEGATIONS OF BEING FRIGID THUS #SEXUALLY #LIBERATING for a repressed sexual childhood of FAR RIGHT CHRISTIAN ANTI-GAY SEX VIEWS WITH A #BI KATY 3) USE ROCKERFELLERS LINE 'any advertising is good advertising' and Katy became a top three #LADSMAG 'sexiest girl in the world' without ever having to take her clothes off in public as the porn sites claiming Katy gets down n dirty for your viewing pleasure in 'celebrity333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 porn gallery printed over a #FAKE site where clones and look a likes would parade naked in front of a camera with KATY PERRY printed in the corner of the picture so many people on the £30K a pap topless of a genuine A lister topless any nude with black hair practically claimed to be Katy.

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